Our Blog
PathLight Counseling: Therapies & Treatments
Dialectical Behavior Therapy For Teens
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a state-of-the-art, evidence-based form of…
Positive Psychology
Positive psychology emphasizes the positive influences of a person’s life. …
Teen Counseling
Individual Counseling & Intensive Teen outpatient program (IOP) Individual Counseling Surrounded by so many constant stressors, we understand the importance of one-on-one teen counseling. No matter the situation, the staff at PathLight is passionate about guiding...
Group Information
peer support and IOP TreatmentGroup therapy PathLight Counseling offers group counseling for everyone. Adult and teen groups also serve as part of our Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP). We limit groups to ten patients or less (although most groups have five or...
Counseling and IOP – For Adults
Our goal is to find solutions that work for you on an individual basis…
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